6 Reasons To Run A Marathon

Marathons are huge in the world. In fact, some marathons have more passengers than the populations of many cities. Pretty impressive in my opinion.

Why thousands of people run a marathon?

6 reasons to run a marathon

1 health benefits

If you are going to run a marathon, chances are you are a regular runner or just starting out with the intentions of running regularly. Running regularly is a very healthy activity - both physically and mentally. Do not fall victim to the conference on the implementation of injuries - yes, it can happen, but you can prevent running injuries.

Face it, any activity carries risks - martial arts, weight training, racquet sports ... you name it, exercise can cause injury. However, the operation provides care benefits, if done correctly, is greater than the risk of injury. Also, if you're not in the race, offered in many marathons.

2. sense of accomplishment

Finishing a marathon is one of those feats, in my opinion, qualify as a work of a lifetime. Many "must do in life" lists (aka bucket lists) include the completion of a marathon. Such an achievement is exciting, challenging, and something to remember for a lifetime.

3 Motivation Training

When it's time to make a career jump and you think, plan your marathon is a great motivator to get out and run. Not all harvested all long-standing needs of the year is a career training; However, to complete a marathon, you can run consistently. Because consuming marathons, marathon training also motivate you to follow a crosstraining and / or grassroots work they do to improve their overall education.

4 camaraderie

Riders have something in common. It's exciting to share the road with thousands of runners who, like you, have sacrificed and trained to complete one of the greatest physical feats you can do.

5 Trips

Choose any city in the world and is likely to have a marathon. Running a marathon is a great reason to travel and experience a city. If you have two, three or five marathons a year, think of all the places you get to visit. Turn the weekend of the marathon on a weeklong trip and see the area. Also, so you will see many of the city just run 26.2 miles.

6 Funny and exciting

What could be more exciting and fun than finishing a marathon - and doing so with thousands of fellow runners? It is difficult for many drivers; we are not elite runners. However, at the end of a marathon is exciting and thrilling and emotional - all in a positive direction, it will be an event that resonates with you all your life.

If you are not running a marathon,'s stopping you?

Is the lack of time to train?
Is the fear that you will not be able to finish?
If you have the desire to complete a marathon, check out a training program for elite marathon or if you are training for your first marathon, visit the marathon training for beginners.

Maybe you have other reasons to run a marathon. In any case, there is no better time than today to start training. Help wondering why you should run a marathon and start training now. The fact is that there is simply no downside to train for a marathon. Even if you have not completed a marathon, you dramatically improve your health and feel better.

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